Carolina Bonfim
(Sao Paulo, 1982)Andrés Vial, Carlos Valverde, Carolina Bonfim, Christopher Tym, El Eix Del Mal, Equipo Palomar (Mariokissme + R. Marcos Mota), HOMESSESION, Javier Peñafiel, Quim Pujol, Sol Prado, Solange Jacobs, Yara Haskel
Las condiciones posibles / possible conditions, un proyecto de Myriam Rubio con Rosario Ateaga y Gris García
17.04.15 > 19.07.15
+ info:
Las condiciones posibles is a collective project born of a proposal aimed at artists and independent projects in Barcelona, among which different structures of creative work and networks of affection exist. It intends to generate a dynamic that under certain spatial and temporal conditions allows for reflecting on the creative process and the aspects that link it to the theory of affections.
LCP brings the processes that compose and determine an essential part of contemporary art works to the foreground, processes that by definition are excluded from representation, whether scientific or exhibition. They are situated on the outside, in virtuality, in false subjection, in material precariousness. An affective vocabulary, a forcefield made up of energy, intensity, virtuality, uncertainty, potentiality, failure, belongs to these processes, and they are understood as effect and transformation, as the various rereadings of Spinoza throughout time have stated.
The project is articulated in two phases, determined by two different spaces.
The first of these took place between 17 April and 28 May in Espai 0 of àngels barcelona, a semi-public stage where actualizations of work processes happened in the form of encounters, productions, and performances, and were recorded under previously arranged conditions. The characteristics of this space and the intensity of the activities, too excessive for follow ups, worked as a detonator not only for word of mouth but for the different actions of the project to acquire a heterogenous affective syntony.
The second phase, in Espai 2, from the 30th of June to the19th of July, will showcase that which took place as process in the first space, and draw a transformed community between artists and works; it will also propose a new dynamic with regards to follow ups. When situated in a gallery space, a place of exhibition, the questions on how to represent « that which no one speaks of », how to « make visible that which cannot be seen », reemerge.
Las condiciones posibles proposes a shared suspense, understanding that it is a state in which, once the imposibility of representation is assumed with certainty, it doesn’t impede movement, whether it be slowed down, subtle, or out of focus, like a pinhole camera under long exposure.