Cecilia Bengolea
(Buenos Aires, 1979)16.10.23
Mònica Planes, Cecilia Bengolea
Cecilia Bengolea & Mónica Planes: "Remedios Where new land might grow" collaborative exhibition, C3A Centro De Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, TBA21, Cordoba, Spain 14.04.23 > 31.03.24
The exhibition "Remedios: Where New Land Might Grow" showcases works of art from over forty artists with a variety of perspectives, including Amazonian, Pacific, Indigenous American, Afro-diasporic, and European. The exhibition aims to provide solace, respite, and replenishment to the public, drawing inspiration from the curative paths of healers and elders who have guided communities through past wrongs and towards reconciliation. The exhibited works are selected from the collections of TBA21 and the commissioning bodies TBA21 on st_age and TBA21–Academy, and embody the longing to transform the world into a better place for all.
Amongst the artist the exhibition showcases Cecilia Bengoleas work Lightning Dance, 2018, and Monica Planes Installation Mouths, 2022 that consist of four elements: Closed mouth, 2021, Mouths (legs), 2021, Open cover, 2021 and Open mouth, 2021.
Tags: exhibition