Daniela Ortiz

(Cuzco, Perú, 1985)

Anti-colonial Monuments, 2018

Group of six sculpture pieces made of hand-painted clay

[ENG] Proposals for replacing 5 Christopher Colombus monuments with 6 anti-colonial monuments. The original monuments are in the city of New York, Los Angeles, Lima, Madrid and Barcelona. The monuments are made on clay and are full color. Their sizes range between 30cm x 50cm.

The monuments make reference to diverse historical and contemporary ways of colonialism, structural and institutional racism as well as to diverse antiracist and anti-colonial struggles. The inscriptions and texts written in the monuments are both in Spanish and English as well as in Spanglish. 


[CAST] Propuestas para reemplazar 5 monumentos de Cristóbal Colón con 6 monumentos anticoloniales. Los monumentos originales se encuentran en la ciudad de Nueva York, Los Ángeles, Lima, Madrid y Barcelona. Los monumentos están hechos en arcilla y son a todo color. Sus tamaños oscilan entre 30 cm x 50 cm.

Los monumentos hacen referencia a diversas formas históricas y contemporáneas de colonialismo, racismo estructural e institucional, así como a diversas luchas antirracistas y anticoloniales. Las inscripciones y los textos escritos en los monumentos están en español e inglés, así como en spanglish.

Columbus · Colón. Description: Anticolonial monument proposal to be installed after the Christopher Columbus monument of Central Park New York built in the year 1892 is tear down.

Detail Columbus · Colón

Detail Columbus · Colón

Sobre los hombros del opresor pesará nuestro dolor. On the shoulders of the oppressor our pain will weight, 2018. Description: Anticolonial monument proposal to be installed after the Christopher Columbus monument of Grand Park Los Angeles is tear down.

Detail Sobre los hombros del opresor pesará nuestro dolor. On the shoulders of the oppressor our pain will weight, 2018

Detail Sobre los hombros del opresor pesará nuestro dolor. On the shoulders of the oppressor our pain will weight, 2018

No integration in a racist nation. No me integro en tu nación racista, 2018. Description: Anticolonial monument proposal to be installed after the Christopher Columbus monument of Barcelona built in the year 1888 is tear down.

No integration in a racist nation. No me integro en tu nación racista, 2018

This land will never be fertile for having given birth to colonisers. Esta tierra jamás será fértil por haber parido colonos, 2018. Description: Anticolonial monument proposal to be installed after the Christopher Columbus monument of Madrid built in the year 1892 is tear down.

This land will never be fertile for having given birth to colonisers. Esta tierra jamás será fértil por haber parido colonos, 2018

This land will never be fertile for having given birth to colonisers. Esta tierra jamás será fértil por haber parido colonos, 2018

Nos quisieron enterrar pero no sabían éramos semilla. They tried to bury us. They didn’t know that we were seeds, 2018. Description: Anticolonial monument proposal to be installed after the Christopher Columbus monument of Lima built in the year 1860 is teared down.

Nos quisieron enterrar pero no sabían éramos semilla. They tried to bury us. They didn’t know that we were seeds, 2018

Burn el hielo, 2018. Description: Anticolonial monument proposal to be installed after the Christopher Columbus monument built in 1892 in the Columbus Circle is tear down.

Burn el hielo, 2018