Ion Grigorescu

(Bucharest, 1945)

Wax Cherry Tree, 2009

Color photograph, printed text on paper
83 x 110 cm


The artist shows us how nature supplies us with food, which we tend to ignore. Where many people see a tree broken in half, others see the opportunity to collect fruit that was once out of reach. It is food without packaging, which requires the effort and patience of bending down and harvesting.


En esta obra el artista nos muestra como la naturaleza nos abastece de alimentos que solemos despreciar. Donde mucha gente ve un arbol partido por la mitad, otros ven la ocasión para alcanzar el alimento antes inalcanzable. Alimentos sin envasar, pero que requieren el esfuerzo de agacharse y tener la paciencia del recolector.