Jeanno Gaussi
(Kabul, Afganistan, 1973)- Imaginary Friends, 2017
- Neon Green, 2008-2015
- Dreams on Wheels_Delhi, 2014-2015
- SOS - Save Our Souls, 2015
- The War Rug Project, 2011-2014
- Dreams on Wheels, 2013
- Kabul Fragment 02: Sandali, 2012
- Family Stories, 2011-2012
- Peraan-e-Tombaan, 2012
- Kabul Fragment 01: MELA / PICNIC, 2012
- Kabul Fragment 04: Ordinary Heores, 2012
- Kabul Fragment 03: Hit Me, 2012
- Three Fragments from Jerusalem, 2010
Three Fragments from Jerusalem, 2010
Video, color, sound
6 min 20 sec
(ENG) Three Fragments of Jerusalem is Jeanno Gaussi’s reflection of Jerusalem in relation to the project Home Sweet Home-Jerusalem, a multi-city art project that the artist initiated in 2009 in Shatana, Jordan with Youmna Chlala from Beirut. The project examines the contemporary definition of emptiness and belonging, and expands these notions into places that mark new forms of emptiness in contemporary culture. The final part of this project Post Home Space, which includes a reflective text and video work by each artist, constitutes the physical distancing from home, where memory becomes selective a fragmented image of home emerges. As the artist explains, “the post home space then becomes a container of real and imagined experience.” Gaussi’s Post Home reflection centers around three objects that surrounded her during her days alone at the house she stayed at in Jerusalem.
(CAST) Three Fragments from Jerusalem (Tres fragmentos desde Jerusalén) es una reflexión sobre la experiencia de la artista durante el proyecto Home Sweet Home – Jerusalem. Home Sweet Home es un trabajo en común de Jeanno Gaussi y Youmna Chlala que se inició en 2009 en Jordania y se desarrolló luego en Beirut, Kabul y más tarde en Jerusalen. El proyecto explora la relación espacial entre memoria e imaginación, así como la definición contemporánea del vacio y la pertenencia. La parte final del proyecto realizado en Jerusalen, denominada “Post Home Space” constituye el distanciamiento físico del hogar, cuando la memoria se hace selectiva y surge una imagen fragmentaria. La reflexión de Gaussi se centró en algunos de los objetos que encontró en la casa donde ella y Chlala vivían. Para honrar su experiencia en la ciudad, la artista grabó en video varias acciones con dichos objetos.

Still from "Fragments of Jerusalem", 2010. HD digital video, colour, sound.

Still from "Fragments of Jerusalem", 2010. HD digital video, colour, sound.

Still from "Fragments of Jerusalem", 2010. HD digital video, colour, sound.