Oliver Ressler

(Knittelfeld, Austria, 1970)

A Rising Tide Sinks Ships

16.01.19 > 15.03.19
Opening: 16.01.19 @ 19 h.



(ENG) In his first solo exhibition at àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presents films and photographic works focused on the social movements and forms of resistance that have emerged due to the wrecking of the Earth’s climate – and the basis of human existence – by global capitalism.

(CAST) En su primera exposición individual en àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta vídeos y trabajos fotográficos centrados en los movimientos sociales y las formas de resistencia surgidos a raíz de la destrucción del clima del planeta- base de la existencia humana - por el capitalismo global.

(CAT) A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global.

General exhibition view of the 4-channel video installation and on-going project "Everything's coming together while everything's falling apart (2016-2018).

General view. "How is the Air up There?", 2018 (series). Colour photograph, giclée print on acid-free paper Photo Rag Baryta. 59,5 cm x 84’4 cm. Ed 5 + I (Each) .

General view. "How is the Air up There?", 2018 (series). Colour photograph, giclée print on acid-free paper Photo Rag Baryta. 59,5 cm x 84’4 cm. Ed 5 + I (Each) .

General exhibition view of the 4-channel video installation and on-going project "Everything's coming together while everything's falling apart (2016-2018).

"Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: Code Rood", 2018.Video, color, sound. 14 min. Ed 7 + I

General exhibition view of the 4-channel video installation and on-going project "Everything's coming together while everything's falling apart (2016-2018).

"Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: COP21", 2016. Video, color, sound.17 min. Ed 7 + I