Tristan Perich

(New York, 1982)

1-Bit Symphony, 2009

1-bit electronics
11,75 x 15,1 cm


1-Bit Symphony is an electronic composition in five movements on a single microchip. Though housed in a CD jewel case, 1-Bit Symphony is not a recording in the traditional sense, it literally "performs" its music live when turned on. A complete electronic circuit—programmed by the artist and assembled by hand—plays the music through a headphone jack mounted into the case itself.


1-Bit Symphony es una composición en cinco movimientos en un sólo microchip. Aunque guardado en una caja de CD, 1-Bit Symphony no es una grabación en el sentido tradicional, sino que literalmente desempeña un performance de la música en vivo cuando prendido. Un circuito electónico completo (programado por el artista y montado a mano) toca la música a través de una toma de auriculares que se conecta a la misma caja. 


1-Bit Symphony. ángels barcelona, 2015

1-Bit Symphony. ángels barcelona, 2015

1-Bit Symphony + the book: 0,01s. ángels barcelona, 2015