Jorge Ribalta & Joan Fontcuberta: "Beyond the Single Image. Spanish Photography from the Foto Colectania Collection". collaborative exhibition at The Margulies Collection at The Warehouse, Miami. 13.11.24 > 26.04.25
c/ Pintor Fortuny, 27 - 08001 Barcelona, Spain.
T +34 93 412 54 00 - info@angelsbarcelona.com
Jorge Ribalta & Joan Fontcuberta: "Beyond the Single Image. Spanish Photography from the Foto Colectania Collection". collaborative exhibition at The Margulies Collection at The Warehouse, Miami. 13.11.24 > 26.04.25
Performance de Daniela Ortiz: NO ES UN HUECO EN MI TIERRA LA RAÍZ QUE ARRANCASTE, ES UN TÚNEL. La Virreina, Barcelona, Cataluña 20.11.2024
Friday, June 21, 7pm. - Itziar Barrio, Book Launch Conversation and reading with Xavier Acarín, Itziar Barrio, Manuel Cirauqui & Mireia Molina Costa
Esther Ferrer: "El cuerpo atravesado por el género, el espacio y el tiempo". Solo show at Centre Cultural del Carme, Valencia, Spain. 15.05 > 29.09.24
Itziar Barrio: "Let Us Go Back to the Beginning". Solo show at Salt Galata, Istanbul, Turkey. 23.05 > 29.09.24
Jorge Ribalta: "Itinerarios XXVIII". collaborative exhibition at Centro Botín, Santander, Spain. 18.11.23 > 07.04.24
Joan Fontcuberta: "Florilegium". Exhibition at Museo Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, España. 20.03.24 > 09.06.24
Carlos Casas: "Bestiari". The 60th International art exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, Catalan Pavilion. 20.04.24 > 24.11.24
Claudia Pagès: "InPractice: Claudia Pagès". Exhibition at the SculptureCenter, Ohio, United States. 25.01.24 > 19.02.24
Lúa Coderch: "A=A, B=B". Exhibition at Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, Spain. 13.12.23 > 03.03.24
Joan Fontcuberta: "Vaivén: Sevilla – Iberoamérica" collaborative exhibition at the Valentín de Madariaga and Oya Foundation, Seville, Spain. 23.11.23 > 08.01.24
Mabel Palacín: "Homeland". MNAC (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya), Barcelona, Spain. 15.11.23 > 24.01.24
Tom Johnson: "Illustrated Music" exhibition at José Guerrero Center, Granada, Spain. 26.10.23 > 28.01.24
Cecilia Bengolea & Mónica Planes: "Remedios Where new land might grow" collaborative exhibition, C3A Centro De Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, TBA21, Cordoba, Spain 14.04.23 > 31.03.24
Daniel Ortiz: artwork "Landscape" at the collaborative exhibition "Anti-Futurismo Cimarrón" in La Virreina, Barcelona, Catalunya 12.10.23-31.01.24
Pedro G. Romero: Exhibition Exhibition "Popular"curated by the artist, IVAM, Valencia, Spain. 05.10.23 > 14.04.2024
Daniela Ortiz: "The Children of Communists". Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Germany. 25.05.23 > 26.05.24
Marcelo Expósito y Oliver Ressler: "Macchine del Dissenso". PAV (Parco Arte Vivente), Turin, Italia. 11.03.23 > 28.05.23
Mónica Planes (Group Show): "Lo que pesa una cabeza". TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes). Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain. 03.03.23 > 28.05.23
Daniel G. Andújar. "Patente de corso": Museo Nacional de Antropologia. Madrid, Spain. 25.03.23 > 28.05.23
Claudia Pagés (Solo Show): "Bandolerismes". Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain. 10.02.023 > 16.04.23
Daniel G. Andújar (Solo Show): Es Baluard (Palma de Mallorca, Spain). Patente de Corso 16.09.22 > 22.01.23
Jorge Ribalta: "Todo es verdad. Ficciones y documentos (1987-2020)", Museo Universidad de Navarra 19.10.2022 > 12.03.2023
Mabel Palacín (Solo show): "Horitzó / Frontera", Centre d'Art la Panera, Lleida 29.10.2022 > 05.02.2023
Esther Ferrer (Solo Show): "I am going to tell you about my life", Kunst- und Kulturstiftung Opelvillen Rüsselsheim. 16.10.22 > 22.01.23
Lúa Coderch (Solo show): "Trencar una nou", Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani 13.09.22 > 08.01.23
Claudia Pagès (Solo Show): "Gerundi Circular" video instalación, Tabakalera, San Sebastián. 13.09.22 > 15.01.23
Oliver Ressler (Solo Show): Barricading the Ice Sheets. Tallinn Art Hall, Tallin, Estonia 22.08.22 > 6.11.22
Cecilia Bengolea (Solo show): "Deary Steel", Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, 14.05.22 > 20.05.22
Cecilia Bengolea (Group show): "Breaking Water", Contemporary Arts Center (CAC), 06.05.22 > 14.08.22
Itziar Barrio (Solo show): "A Demon that Slips into Your Telescopes while You’re Dead Tired and Blocks the Light", signs and symbols (online), 22.4.22 > 15.6.22
Daniela Ortiz (Solo show): "E coglieremo i saperi delle nostre resistenze", Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turín, 7.4.22 > 2.10.22
Itziar Barrio (Solo show): "THE PERILS OF OBEDIENCE (PREMIERE)", Participant Inc, New York, 6.3.22 > 17.4.22
Jorge Ribalta (Solo show): "Todo es verdad. Ficciones y documentos (1987-2020)", Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid. Desde 11.2.22
Daniel G. Andújar, Marcelo Expósito, Harun Farocki, Daniela Ortiz, Jorge Ribalta (Group show): "Vasos comunicantes 1881-2021", Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid. Desde 27.11.21
Daniela Ortiz (Solo show): "Nurtured by the defeat of the colonizers our seeds will raise", Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany. 13.11.21 > 30.1.22
Daniela Ortiz (Solo show): "They Will Burn with the Flame of the Mother’s Torment and in Ashes Transform", Cobh, Ireland. 3.11.21 > 19.2.22
Marcelo Expósito (Solo show): "Nueva Babilonia: designar o no un trabajo como arte es una decisión táctica", Casa Iberoamérica, 18.10.21 > 26.09.22
Cecilia Bengolea (Group show): "Baiser Mortel: A musical by Low Jack, Lala &ce, and Cecilia Bengolea", The Bourse de Commerce, Paris. 18.10.21 > 20.10.21
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead. Techniques of Becoming", Württem bergischer Kunst verein Stuttgart, Stuttgart. 16.10.21 > 23.01.22
Joan Fontcuberta (Group show): "Ça-a-eté? Contra Barthes", La Virreina, Barcelona. 15.10.21 > 16.01.22
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo show): "Monsters", Museu Can Framis, Fundació Vila Casas, Barcelona. 05.10.21 > 23.01.22
Cecilia Bengolea I Messeplatz Project Art Basel I Oneness Barroc I 21-26 Sep I Performance Tue 21 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Cecilia Bengolea, "Onennes" & " Shelly Belly Inna Real Life", Art Basel Parcours, Basel. 22.09.21 > 26.09.21
Pedro G. Romero (Solo show): "ATRAVESSAR A FRONTEIRA Os novos babilónios: Porto", Galeria Municipal do Porto. 18.09.21 > 21.11.21
Cecilia Bengolea (Solo show): "Lightning Dance", Solarium of Nowy Teatr, Warsaw. 01.08.21 > 15.08.21
Cecilia Bengolea (Solo show): "Cecilia Bengolea. Animations in Water", Guggenheim Bilbao, 24.06.21 > 24.10.21
Lúa Coderch (Solo show): "La Taca. Una breu història de la desorientació", Centre d'Art La Panera, Lleida. 19.06.21
Marcelo Expósito (Solo show): "Nueva Babilonia. Designar o no un trabajo como arte es una decision táctica", La Virreina. Centre de la Imatge. 11.06 > 26.09.21
Daniela Ortiz (Biennial) :" The Ghost Ship and the Sea Change", GIBCA (Göteborg Insternational Biennial for Contemporary Art), Göteborg. 05.0621>04.09.21
Daniel G. Andújar (Duo show): "The Art of seduction", Palmadotze, Santa Margarida i els Monjos. 29.05 > 31.07.21
Daniela Ortiz (Group show):"And if I devoted my life to one of its feathers?", Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna. 15.05.21 >29.09.21
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "Túpac Amaru y Micaela Bastidas: Memoria, símbolos y misterios", LUM (Lugar de la Tolerancia y la Inclusión social), Lima . 29.04.21 > 20.06.21
Harun Farocki (Group show): "Inquiétances des temps. A journey through the CNAP video collection", Abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumone. 25.04.21 > 29.08.21
Pep Agut (Solo show): "Sueño y mentira", Museo Centro Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía - Palacio de Cristal, Madrid. 22.04.21 > 12.09.21
Oliver Ressler (Solo show): "In And Against The War on Terra", The Gallery Apart, Rome. 08.01.21 > 23.04.21
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "museo de la democracia", neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin. 17.04.21–13.06.21
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "Memoria de la defensa: arquitecturas físicas y mentales", Es Baluard, Mallorca. 26.03>26.09.21
Harun Farocki (Group show): " Bideo-jokoak. Play Without End", Tabakalera, San Sebastián. 25.03.21 > 16.05.21
Marcelo Expósito (Film retrospective): "La imaginación radical", FICUNAM 11th edition, Mexico. 18.03.21 > 28.03.21
Peter Downsbrough (Group show): "El llibre com a present continu". Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, L'Hospitalet del Llobregat. 11.03.21 > 06.06.21
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "Intermingling Flux- Guangzhou Image Triennial", Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou. 09.03.21 >20.05.21
Pep Agut, Jaime Pitarch (Group show): "Pintura: renovación permanente". Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid. 06.03.21 >29.08.21
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "Cuando cambia el mundo. Preguntas sobre arte y feminismos", Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires. 04.03.21 >30.06.21
Michael Snow (Group show): "LES TIROIRS DU TEMPS de Jacques Roubaud", Martine Aboucaya, Paris. 30.01.21 > 03.03.21
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): " J(e m)'accuse o la mort de l'autor", Can Palauet, MAC Mataró. 16.01.21 > 14.03.21
Pep Agut, Esther Ferrer, Joan Fontcuberta, Jaime Pitarch (Group show): "Lentament una olor al fons de la teva mirada. Col·lecció olorVISUAL", Sala Muncunill, Terrassa. 16.01.21 >14.03.21
Pedro G. Romero (Group show): "Cybernetics of the Poor", Kunsthalle Wien, VIenna. 18.12.20 > 28.03.21
Lúa Coderch, Gerard Ortín (Group show): "Subjectant la HIstòria", Centre d'Art Maristany (Sant Cugat del Vallès)10.12.20 >02.03.21
Cecilia Bengolea (Solo show): "Liquid Guru", Andréhn-Schiptjenko Stockholm, Sweden. 12.11.20 > 19.12.20
Joan Fontcuberta, Jorge Ribalta (Group show): " Basado en historias reales. Colección Foto Colectania", Fundación Foto Colectania, Barcelona. 31.10.20 > 28.02.21
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "Not Fully Human, Not Human at All", Kunstverein, Hamburg. 24.10.20 >24.01.21
Mònica Planes (Solo show): "Construccions filials. La formigonera i el ciment ", Can Felipa Arts Visuals, Barcelona. 20.10.20 > 20.12.20
Lúa Coderch (Solo show):" Lúa Coderch / La part que falta. Obres els dipòsits". MAC Mataró. 17.10.20 > 03.01.21
Peter Downsbrough (Group show): " Étendue, corps, espace. Olivier Debré et les artistes-architectes". 16.10.20 > 28.03.20
Peter Donwsbrough (Solo show): Peter Downsbrough, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt. 09.10.20 > 06.11.20
Ania Soliman (Group show): "100 Drawings from Now", The Drawing Center, New York. 07.10.20 > 17.01.21
Joan Fontcuberta, Daniel García Andújar, Oliver Ressler (Group show): "Línies vermelles. La censura en la col·lecció de Tatxo Benet", Centre d'art La Panera, Lleida. 26.09.20 > 10.01.21
Daniel G. Andújar, Esther Ferrer, Joan Fontcuberta (Group show): " A discourse of uncertainties", 1 MIRA MADRID, Madrid. 10.09.20 > 07.11.20
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "Action: A provisional history of the 90s", MACBA, Barcelona. 10.07.20 >07.02.21
Cecilia Bengolea video installation: "TRIPTYK" (2020), MIRE Project, Shampel station, Lehmann express, Geneva
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "La configuración del tiempo suspendido", Galería T20, Murcia. 30.06.20 >
Harun Farocki (Group show): "El sauce ve de cabeza la imagen de la garza", TEA, Tenerife. 20.06.20 > 04.10.20
Ania Soliman (Group show): " WHERE THE LEMONS BLOOM…", Sfeir-Semler gallery, Hamburg. 05.06.20 > 15.08.20
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "And if I devoted my life to one of its feathers?", Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna. 01.06.20 > 31.07.20
Musquiqui Chihying (Award) Han Nefkens Foundation – Loop Barcelona Video Art Production Award 2019 in collaboration with the Fundació Joan Miró
Daniel G Andújar (Solo show): "El Tercer Estado", La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona. 13.03.20 >31.05.20
Pedro G Romero (Group show): "Dónde Estamos. Dónde podríamos estar", Comisart, Colección La Caixa, Caixaforum, 04.03.20 > 21.06.20
Oliver Ressler (Solo show): "Gathering around the Wreckage", Podroom Gallery, Belgrade. 14.01.2020 > 13.02.2020
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "Mujeres fotógrafas. Una historia contada a medias", La CSA Tabacalera, Madrid. 06.02.20 > 12.04.20
Lúa Coderch (Solo show): "Lúa Coderch - Visiones Contemporáneas, DA2 Domus Artium, Salamanca. 01.02.20 > 01.05.20
Daniela Ortiz (Solo show): "Esta tierra jamás será fértil por haber parido colonos" La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona. 23.11.19 > 16.02.20
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "Everything That We Have in Common", Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje. 21.12.19 > 01.01.20
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "Double Wall of Silence", ŠKUC Gallery, Liubliana. 19.12.19 > 16.01.20
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "Après 1975 - La Movida ?", Les Abattoirs, Le Majorat, Villenueve-Tolosane. 12.12.19 > 22.02.20
Peter Downsbrough (Solo show): "One Wall, One Work: Peter Downsbrough", Krakow Witkin Gallery, Boston. 09.11.19>12.12.19
Lúa Coderch, Richard T. Walker (Group Show):" "Imago Vocis. Eco de lo visible", Centre del Carme, Valencia. 25.10.19 > 12.01.20
Peter Downsbrough (Group show): "Ekphrasis – Writing in art", Boghossian Foundation, Vila Campain, Brussels. 24.10.19 >09.02.19
Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki (Group show):" Re-working Labor", Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago. 21.09.19 > 27.11.19
Harun Farocki (Solo show & retrospective): “Harun Farocki. Who is in Charge?, Instituto Moreira Salles, Sao Paulo. 17. 09.19 > 05.01.20
Daniel G Andújar, Pedro G Romero (Group show): "Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead", The Bergen Assembly, Bergen. 05.09.19 > 10.11.19
Lúa Coderch, Jorge Ribalta (Group show): "Mesures", Fundación CerezalesAntoninoyCinia, Cerezales del Condado, León. 28.07.19 >14.11.19
Jorge Ribalta (Solo show): "New Angels. Scenes of the renovation of the Plaça de la Gardunya, Barcelona 2005-2018". La Virreina Image Centre, Barcelona. 19.07.19 >20.10.19
Lúa Coderch, Esther Ferrer, Daniela Ortiz (Group show): FEMINISMS!. CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporanea, Barcelona. 19.07.19 >01.12.19
Daniel G Andújar (Group show):"Que reste-t-il ? Daniel Andújar, Paula Anke, Taus Makhacheva", Musée Cévenol - Château d’Assas, Le Vigan. 06.07.19 >22.09.19
Jaime Pitarch (Group show): "La pintura. Un reto permanente. Colección La Caixa", CaixaForum Barcelona. 27.06.2019 > 29.09.2019
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): " J(e m)'accuse o la mort de l'autor", Bòlit Centre d'Art Contemporani, Girona. 20.06.19 > 13.10.19
Joan Fontcuberta (Group show): "Moonstruck. Photographic explorations", Fotostiftung Schweiz, Zurich. 08.06.19 > 06.10.19
Daniel G. Andújar (Group show): "In the name of the father", Picasso Museum, Barcelona. 07.06.19 >24.09.19
Jaime Pitarch (Group show): "Una dimensión ulterior. Aproximaciones a la escultura contemporánea en España", Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid. 06.06.19 > 22.09.19
Peter Downsbrough (Solo show): "Peter Downsbrough - DIGITAL FILMS", ARGOS, Brussels. 06.06.19 >30.06.19
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "To Give One’s Ear, To Make Appear: Body, Action and Feminisms (1966-1979)", MUSAC, León. 06.06.19 >15.09.19
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): " Contour Biennale 9: Coltan as Cotton", Mechelen (Belgium). 17.05.19 > 19.05.19
Richard T Walker (Solo show): "Richard T Walker", Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco. 16.05.19 > 06.07.19
Daniel G Andújar (Solo show):"Sistema Operativo. Colecciones", Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras, Alicante. 16.05.19 >13.07.19
Lúa Coderch, Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "Catalonia in Venice_To lose your head (idols)", Catalonia Pavilion, Venice Biennale. 11.05.19 > 24.11.19
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "la Caixa Collection of Contemporary Art. Selected by Maria Fusco", Whitechapel Art Gallery, London. 08.05.19 >01.09.19
Jorge Ribalta (Solo show): Renacimiento. Escenas de reconversion industrial en la cuenca minera Nord-Pas de Calais", Elba Benítez, Madrid. 11.04.19 >31.05.19
Esther Ferrer (Solo show): "Esther Ferrer. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23...", Tabakalera, San Sebastián. 05.04.19 > 26.05.19
Oliver Ressler (Group show): "GLOBAL NATIONAL Art on Right-Wing Populism", Haus am Lützowplatz (HaL), Berlin. 21.03.19 > 26.05.19
Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki (Group show):"In In this world, we". Hessel Museum of Art, CCS Bard Galleries- New York. 07.04.19> 26.05.19
Esther Ferrer (Solo show):" Esther Ferrer. Verso vi." Hôpital Joseph Ducuing, Toulouse. 16.03.19 > 30.08.19
Daniel G Andújar, Daniela Ortiz, Esther Ferrer, Pedro G Romero (Group show):" Picasso and the Exodus", Les Abbatoirs, FRAC- Toulouse. 15.03.19> 25.08.19
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "There Will Never Be a Door. You Are Inside. Works From the Coleção Teixeira de Freitas", Sala de Arte Santander, Madrid. 26.02.19 > 09.06.19
Tom Johnson (Group show): Tom Johnson, Martin Riches, "KNOCK ON WOOD" , Circuit, Lausanne. 09.02.19 > 23.03.19
Pedro G Romero (Solo show): "Habitación. El Archivo F.X., las chekas psicotécnicas de Laurencic y la función del arte", MNAC, Barcelona. 17.12.18 > 03.02.19
Harun Farocki (Solo show): Retrospective. What Ought to Be Done?. Work and Life, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul. 14.11.18 >24.02.2019
Mireia Sallarès (Solo show): "Campos de batalla", TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 31.10.18 > 03.02.19
Harun Farocki (Group show): "Klassenverhältnisse - Phantoms of Perception", Kunstverein, Hamburg. 27.10.18 >27.01.19
Daniel G Andújar (Solo show):"Sistema Operativo. Colecciones", Centre del Carme, Valencia. 26.10.18 >20.01.19
Jaime Pitarch (Group show):" La lliçó de Diògenes", Bòlit Centre d'Art Contemporani, Girona. 11.10.18 >09.12.18
Jaime Pitarch (Group show): "Sincronías", Centro de Holografía y Artes Dados Negros, Ciudad Real. 06.10.18 >30.11.18
Jaime Pitarch (Solo show): "Invoice", Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, L'Hospitalet del Llobregat. 26.09.18 >04.11.18
Mabel Palacín, Pep Agut (Group show): "Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections". Espais Volart. Fundació Vila-Casas, Barcelona.19.09.18 > 30.12.18
Daniela Ortiz (Group show):"All the Shades of Anger. Poetics and Politics of Anti-racism". MUSAC, León.15.09.18 > 13.01.19
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "Geographies of Imagination", SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin. 13.09.18 > 11.11.18
Mireia c. Saladrigues, Ariadna Guiteras, "A Performance Affair- The Panopticon Edition", Vanderborght Building, Brussels. 07.09.18 > 09.09.18
Pep Agut, Esther Ferrer (Group show): "Measurements", SOCIETÉ d'éléctricité, Brussels.06.09.18 >10.11.18
Harun Farocki (Group show): "Trans-Justice: Para-Colonial@Technology", MOCA, Taipei. 04.08.18 > 21.10.18
Esther Ferrer, Joan Fontcuberta (Group show): "Escenas: acción y Representación", Colección Los Bragales, la Ciudadela, Pamplona. 29.07.18 >09.09.18
Richard T Walker (Group show): "In Pursuit of Elusive Horizons", Parafin, London. 20.07.18 > 15.09.18
Harun Farocki, Pedro G Romero (Group show):" Turbulences", La Caixa Collection, Caixa Forum, Barcelona. 19.07.18 >21.10.18
Daniel G Andújar (Group show): "#365ALC_Retrat", La Lonja del Pescado, Alicante. 29. 06.18 > 29.09.18
Lúa Coderch (Group show): "As long as Summer lasts.Tamara Kuselman, Lua Coderch and Andrea Canepa". The Ryder Projects, London. 22.06.18 > 29.07.18
Joan Fontcuberta (Group Show): "Creative” photography in Catalonia (1973–1982)", La Virreina, Barcelona. 15.06.18 > 30.09.18
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo show): "Photography: Crisis of History", Barlach Halle, Triennial of Photography, Hamburg, 07.06.18 > 17.06.18
Ion Grigorescu (Group show): “Gates and Ploys. Casting A Shadow”, a collaborative project between Ștefan Sava and Ion Grigorescu, Ivan Gallery, Bucharest. 05.06.18 >28.07.18
Esther Ferrer (Group show):" Performance TV", Maison d'Art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne. 31.05.18 > 22.07.18
Peter Downsbrough (Group show): "Accrochage — Accrochage", Galería Estrany - de la Mota, Barcelona. 25.05.2018 > 20.07.2018
Daniel G Andújar (Group show): "50 Years after 50 Years of the Bauhaus 1968", Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. 05.05.18 > 23.09.18
Jorge Ribalta (Solo show): "Jorge Ribalta Flamenco (and other) sketches. Sulla fotografia come critica culturale", Fotografia Europea 2018, Ospitale di Rubiera, Rubiera. 28.04.18 >17.06.18
Lúa Coderch (Group show): "As if we could scrape the color of the iris and still see", Twin Gallery, Madrid. 26.04.18 > 02.06.18
Peter Downsbrough (Group show): "Peter Donwsbrough & John Cornu", ATTIC, Brussels. 29.03.18 > 26.05.18
Richard T Walker (Group Show): "Scaling the sublime. Art at the limits of landscape", Djanogly Gallery, Nottingham, UK. 23.03.18 > 17.06.18
Esther Ferrer (Solo show): "Esther Ferrer. Intertwined spaces". Guggenheim, Bilbao. 16.03.18 > 10.06.18
Harun Farocki (Group show): "Post Institutional Stress Disorder", Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark. 16.03.18 > 03.02.19
Ania Soliman (Group show): "Metamorphoses – Let Everything Happen to You", Castello di Rivoli, Turin. 06.03.18 >24.06.18
Daniel G Andújar (Solo show):"Los Desastres de la Guerra, Caballo de Troya", Centro del Carmen de Cultura Contemporánea, Valencia. 03.03.18 > 09.04.18
Michael Snow (Solo show): "Michael Snow. The Sound of Snow". Culturgest, Lisbon. 22.03.18 > 24.03.18
ARCOmadrid 2018 / Stand 9D06: Lúa Coderch, Peter Downsbrough, Pedro G Romero, Mònica Planes, Jaime Pitarch, Harun Farocki, Esther Ferrer, Richard T. Walker. 21.02.18 > 25.02.18
Daniela Ortiz (Group show): "The State is not a work of art", Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia. 16.02.18 > 29.04.18
Pedro G Romero (Group show): "Beneath the Arm: Between the Palm of the Hand and the Armpit", Caixaforum, Barcelona. 31.01.18 > 20.05.18
Harun Farocki (Retrospective): "Harun Farocki – O trabalho com as imagens", Cinema do Dragão and Cena 15, Fortaleza (Brazil). 14.12.17 > 22.12.17
Jaime Pitarch (Group show): "See Yourself E(x)ist", Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York. 08.12.17 > 17.02.18
Peter Downsbrough (Group show):"Wanderings", Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon. 24.11.17 > 05.01.18
Harun Farocki (Retrospective): "Harun Farocki - Christian Petzold", Centre Pompidou, Paris. 24.11.17 > 14.01.18
Daniela Ortiz, Giuliana Racco, Matteo Guidi, Mireia Sallarès (Group show): "Juntos Aparte", BIENALSUR, Cucutá, Colombia. 28.10.17 > 09.12.17
Daniela Ortiz (Group Show): "Songs of Sabotage", New Museum Triennial'18, New York. 13.02.18 > 27.03.18
Joan Fontcuberta (Award): Fontcuberta awarded with the 2017 edition of the Art for Peace Award, Milan. 17.11.17
Peter Downsbrough (Group show): "Peter Downsbrough & Alessandro De Francesco", Anima Ludens, Brussels. 10.11.17 > 23.12.17
Daniela Ortiz, Joan Fontcuberta, Mabel Palacín (Group Show): "Photographs as a public space National Collection of Photography. Generalitat de Catalunya, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona" 09.11.17 >21.01.18
Daniela Ortiz, Jaime Pitarch, Lúa Coderch, Mireia Sallarès (Group Show): "Matèria Prima", Fabra i Coats, Barcelona. 08.11.17 > 01. 04.18
ARTISSIMA "BACK TO THE FUTURE" / Stand 22: Esther Ferrer, OVAL Lingotto Fiere, Torino. 03.11.17 > 05.11.17
IM Heung-soon (Solo show): "Things that do us part", National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, MMCA, Seoul. 01.11.17 > 08.04.18
Esther Ferrer (Solo show): All variations are possible including this one, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. 26.10.17> 25.02.17
Harun Farocki (Group show): "Manipulate the world", Moderna Museet, Stockholm. 20.10.2017 > 21.01.2018
Joan Fontcuberta (Participating artist / Group show): Foto/Industria, Biennial of photography of industry, MAST Foundation, Bologna. 12.10.17 > 19.11.17
Jaime Pitarch (Group show):" Politics of Dreams: Balancing acts: Ibero-America at the Otazu Foundation", Hippocrene Foundation, Paris. 12.10.17 > 16.12.17
Peter Downsbrough (Solo show): "Peter Downsbrough", Été 78 and Relais 42, Brussels. 07.10.17 > 04.11.17
Pedro G Romero (Group show): "A Gesture Towards Transformation", Tenderpixel, London.04.10.17 > 25.11.17
Esther Ferrer (Group show): "Muchos caminos. Imágenes contemporáneas del Camino de Santiago", Real Academia de España en Roma, 02.10.17 >26.11.17
Harun Farocki (Solo show): "Harun Farocki und die Musik", Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin. 16.09.17 > 04.11.17
Harun Farocki (Retrospetive): "Harun Farocki: Harun Mit anderen Mitteln – By Other Means". Neuer Berliner Kunstverein - Arsenal, Berlin. 13.09.17 >28.01.18
Antje Ehmann & Harun Farocki, Marcelo Expósito, Pedro G Romero, Jorge Ribalta (Group Show): "Arte para pensar la nueva razón del mundo", BIENALSUR, Buenos Aires. 13.09.17 >12.12.17
Pedro G. Romero, ARCHIVO FX in collaboration with Bassam El Baroni, (Participating artist / Group Show): "WheredoIendandyoubegin – On Secularity", GIBCA, Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, 09.09.17 > 19.11.17
Lúa Coderch (Solo show): "Lúa Coderch. Souvenir (Onyx)", Art Institute Vienna, Viena. 15.07.17 > 13.08.17
Mònica Planes (Solo show): ACTO 38: Mònica Planes. Nivell Zero / Fundació Suñol - 06.07. - 26.08.2017
Jeanno Gaussi (Group Show): "The Beauty of Difference", Schloss Lieberose, Liberose. 27.06.17 > 10.09.17
Peter Downsbrough (Publication), SEVEN WORDS.THE THEN SET HERE PLACE AS AND, Mies Van der Roher Pavilion, Barcelona. 08.06.2017
Antje Ehmann & Harun Farocki (Solo show): "Labour in a single shot", CAC Vilnius, Lithuania. 11.06.17 > 06.08.17
Pedro G Romero (performance) at Documenta 14 (Kassel): "La farsa monea" by Israel Galván, Niño de Elche, and Pedro G. Romero. 09.06.17 > 11.06.17
Mabel Palacín, Eulàlia Valldosera (Group show): "Espacio-tiempo Sobre la luz como materia, instrumento y lenguaje", Domus Artium (DA2), Salamanca. 07.06.17 > 07.01.17
Jeanno Gaussi (Solo Show): "screen spirit_continued #20: Jeanno Gaussi - Three Notes", Städtische Galerie, Bremen. 21.05.17 >30.07.17
Richard T Walker (Solo show): MORE/THAN/THIS, Curro gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico. 18.05.17> 28.07.17
Mireia c. Saladrigues (Group Show): "Research Pavilion,You gotta say yes to another access", 57th Venice BIennale, Sala del Camino, Venice. 11.05.17> 02.07.17
Jeanno Gaussi (Group Show): "NSK State Pavilion", 57th Venice Biennale, Iuav University of Venice, 11.05.17 > 15.08.17
Jorge Ribalta (Group show): "Water, Wind & Wire", D-O Ark Underground Biennial, 4th edition Tito’s Bunker Konjic, Bosnia-Herzegovina. 21.04.17 > 21.10.17
Esther Ferrer, Daniela Ortiz & Xose Quiroga (Group Show): "Tous, des sangs-melés", MACVAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, France. 21.04.17 > 03.09.17
Documenta 14 (Athens): La farsa monea by Israel Galván, Niño de Elche, and Pedro G. Romero 19 > 21 Apr.(Numismatic Museum, Iliou Melathron, Panepistimiou 12)
Pep Agut, Peter Downsbrough (Group show): MODUS OPERANDI, Societé d'electricité, Brussels.15.04.17 >15.07.17
Jaime Pitarch (Solo show):"La pràctica impossibilitat del dejuni", Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, L'Hospitalet del Llobregat. 30.03.17 > 31.12.17
Daniela Ortiz (Solo show): "ABC of Racist Europe", MIMA (Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art), Middlesbrough. 04.03.17 > 04.06.17
Pep Agut (Group Show): Critical Exhibitions. Critical discourses in Spanish Art 1975-1995, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela. 17.02.17 > 28.05.17
Harun Farocki (Group Show): "Please come back. The world as prison?", MAXXI, Rome. 09.02.17 >21.05.17
Harun Farocki (Solo Show): Harun Farocki: Counter-Music, Haus Der Kunst, Munich. 03.02.17 > 28.05.17
Richard T Walker (Group Show): "Jacqueline Gordon and Richard T Walker", The Luckman Fine Arts Complex, Los Angeles. 21.01.147 > 04.03.17
IM Heung-soon (Group Show). The Mulberry Forest Becoming Ocean, Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin. 20.01.17 > 25.02.17
Harun Farocki (Screening & discussion with Prof. Dr. Thomas Elsaesser): "Respite", Studio National Holocaust Museum, Amsterdam. 08.01.17
Ania Soliman (Group Show): “1000m2 of desire. Architecture and sexuality”, CCCB, Barcelona. 25.10.16 >19.03.17
Ania Soliman (Group Show): "Indiosincrasia: Las anchoas sueñan con panteón de aceitunas", Fundación Helga de Alvear, Cáceres. 26.04.16 > 09.04.17
Daniela Ortiz, Harun Farocki (Group Show): Afterwork, Ilham Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 18.12.16 > 16.04.17
Ion Grigorescu (Monographic Publication): "Ion Grigorescu, From static oblivion", ed by Giuliana Prucca, Published by AVARIE
Harun Farocki (Group Show): Each fighting its own little battle in happy ignorance, Pump House Gallery, London. 12.10.16 > 11.12.16
Group Show: Apertus 01. The ass between two chairs. Escola Massana / Fundació Hans Nefkens. àngels barcelona Espai2, Barcelona. 24.11.16 > 16.12.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo Show): Pareidolia. Joan Fontcuberta, Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia. 10.11.16 > 27.02.17
Marcelo Expósito (Group Show): Hard Gelatin- Hidden Stories from the 80s, MACBA, Barcelona. 04.11.16 >19.03.16
Harun Farocki (Group Show): JOSH KLINE. Unemployment + HARUN FAROCKI. Parallel I-IV. Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebadeungo,Torino, Italy. 04.11.16 > 12.02.17
Joan Fontcuberta (Group Show): Fake. No es verdad, no es mentira, IVAM, Valencia. 20.10.16 > 29.01.16
Esther Ferrer, Joan Fontcuberta (Group Show). Fotografía en la colección CIRCA XX. Tradición y Renovación, IAACC Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza. 21.04.16 > 19.02.17
Antje Ehmann & Harun Farocki, Jorge Ribalta, Pedro G Romero (Group Show): Territories and Fictions. Thinking a New Way of the World, MNCARS, Madrid. 26.11.16 > 13.03.17
Esther Ferrer (Group Show). Escuchar con los ojos. Arte sonoro en España, 1961-2016, Fundación Juan March, Madrid. 14.10.16 > 15.01.17
Joan Fontcuberta (Group Show): Acadèmia dels Desconfiats, Facing the Sky, Nuit Blanche Toronto, Canada. 01.10.16
Esther Ferrer, Pedro G. Romero, Jorge Ribalta (Group Show): Atlas de las ruinas de Europa, Centrocentro, Madrid. 29.09.16 > 29.01.17
Lúa Coderch (Intervention): The Rainbow Statement- COMPOSITIONS, BCN Gallery Weekend, Club Billar Barcelona, Barcelona. 29.09.16> 02.10.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Book Presentation) /Presentación del libro 'La furia de las imágenes. Notas sobre la postfotografía'. La Central (c/Mallorca), Barcelona. 20.09.2016 (19:30h)
Peter Downsbrough (Solo Show): Peter Downsbrough - FROM TO, S.M.A.K Ghent, Belgium. 11.09.16 >23.10.16
Esther Ferrer (Group Show): "My Friends and Other Animals", Travesía Cuatro, Madrid. 15.09.16> 05.11.16
Peter Downsbrough (Solo Show): Peter Downsbrough - FROM TO, S.M.A.K Ghent, Belgium. 11.09.16 >23.10.16
Daniela Ortiz (Group Show): "Deportation Regime: Artistic responses to state practices and lived experience of forced removal", CAMP, Copenhaguen. 09.09.16> 16.12.16
Harun Farocki (Double Screening): Remembering Harun Farocki, Filmoteca de Catalunya, Barcelona. 02.09.16 > 03.09.16
Jeanno Gaussi (Group Show): Global Female Inventories, Project Space Festival, BOX Freiraum, Berlin. 27.08.16 >18.09.16
Michael Snow (Solo Show): The Viewing of Six New Works, Butler Gallery, The Castle, Kilkenny , Ireland. 06.08.16 > 16.10.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Group Show): HUMANORIUM, L'Étrange Fête Foraine, Parc du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Canada. 29.07.16 >
Peter Downsbrough (Group Show): Manifestations: une exposition autour de la collection du CRP, CRP de Douchy-les-Mines, France.11.06.16 > 14.08.16
Richard T Walker (Group Show): DOPPLEREFFECT, Voorkamer Kunstenaarsinitiatief, Lier, Belgium. 04.06.16 >24.07.16
Harun Farocki, Antje Ehmann (Solo Show): "arbeitsverhältnisse"(Working Conditions). Aut. Architektur und Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria. 10.07.16 > 10.09.16
Daniela Ortiz, Efrén Álvarez, Miquel García, Mireia C. Saladrigues (Group Show): Segueixi els rastres com si fos miop Art Jove 2006 - 2016. Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona. 19.07.16 > 02.10.16
Daniela Ortiz (Group Show): Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (mima),Middlesbrough, UK. 11.06.16>18.09.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo show): Ad Litteram, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), Málaga. 24.06.16 >29.07.16
Lúa Coderch (Group Show): Walking in Ice. The Epic and Dysfunctional in Artistic Practice, Bòlit Centre d'Art Contemporani, Girona. 17.06.16 >11.09.16
Tristan Perich (Solo Show): Microtonal Wall, Sónar+D / Mies Van der Rohe Pavilion, Barcelona. 14.06.16 > 18.06.16
Harun Farocki (Solo show): Harun Farocki. Empatía, Fundación Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona. 01.06.16> 16.10.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo show): Arstusia. Miradas de Asturias. Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias, Oviedo. 14.05.16 > 28.08.16
Mabel Palacín (Group Show): Punk. Its traces in Contemporary Art, MACBA, Barcelona. 13.05.16> 25.09.16
Daniela Ortiz (colectivo N.I.E) y Lúa Coderch (Group Show): La Contrarevolució dels Cavalls. Centre Cívic Can Felipa, Barcelona. 10.05.16 > 16.07.16
Peter Downsbrough (Group Show): Between the ticks of the watch, The Renaissance Society, Chicago, IL. 24.04.16>26.06.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo show): Camouflages, Museo de la Universidad Navarra, Pamplona. 13.04.16>13.09.16
Jorge Ribalta (Curator): Barcelona. The metropolis in the age of photography, 1860-2004. La Virreina, Centre de la imatge, Barcelona. 24.03.16>26.06.16
Peter Downsbrough's installation 'AND / AS, HERE, PLACE, SET, THE, THEN'. Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, Barcelona. 09.03.16>24.04.16
Jorge Ribalta (solo show): Monument Maschine, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart. 20.02.16> 01.05.16
Joan Fontcuberta (Solo Show): Miradas de Asturias - Arstusia. Conde Duque, Madrid.18.02.16 >01.05.16
Jaime Pitarch (Group Show): La Lliçó de Diògenes, Tecla Sala, L'Hospitalet del Llobregat. 18.02.16 >05.06.16
Jaime Pitarch (Group Show): Rafael Patxot. Mecenes, científic..., l’home. Palau Robert, Barcelona. 11.02.16 >08.05.16
Harun Farocki (solo show): Harun Farocki. What is at Stake, IVAM, Valencia, Spain.20.01.16 >22.05.16
Mabel Palacín (screening & artist talk): Flux. Festival de vídeo d'autor. Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona. 19.12.15
Peter Downsbrough (solo show): Peter Downsbrough, Galerie Thomas Zander, Cologne, Germany. 07.11.16 >15.01.16
Joan Fontcuberta (solo show) /Presentación del libro 'IMAGO, ERGO SUM'. Sala Canal de Isabel II, Madrid. 15.12.15> 27.03.16
Harun Farocki (Group show): Electronic Superhighway (2016-1966). Whitechapel Gallery, London. 29.01.2016 > 15.03.2016
Richard T Walker (Group show): No song to sing, ADN Platform, Sant Cugat, Barcelona. 21.11.15 > 01.04.2016
Tristan Perich (solo show): 1-Bit Symphony, Conservatorio Profesional de Música de La Rioja, España. 09.11.15 > 21.11.15,
'Conversación con Manuel Borja-Villel', de Marcelo Expósito // Marcelo Exposito's 'Conversation with Manuel Borja-Villel'
Richard T. Walker / The Distance \ Letha Wilson (Group show) at CAPITAL, San Francisco, CA. 23.10.15> 05.12.15
Efrén Álvarez, Jorge Ribalta (Group Show): The Beast and is the Sovereign, WKV Stuttgart. 17.10.15>17.01.16
Esther Ferrer (Group Show): Tercer Espacio: entre tradición y modernidad. Foro Arte Cáceres, Cáceres. 23. 10.15> 29.11.15
Daniela Ortiz (Group Show): Wer hat Angst vor dem Museum? ( ¿Quién teme al Museo?) Una Excavación de las Heridas Coloniales. Weltmuseum, Viena. 25.09.15> 27.09.15
Richard T. Walker (solo show): everything failing to become something, Carroll/Fletcher, London (UK). 25.09.15> 14.11.15
Joan Fontcuberta (Guest curator): The Post-Photographic Condition, 14th edition of Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal, the International Biennial of the Contemporary Image, Montréal. 10.09.15 > 11.10.15
ARTINTERNATIONAL Istanbul / Stand A08: Peter Downsbrough, Esther Ferrer, Joaquim Llucià. Halic Congress Center, Istanbul. 05.09.15> 06.09.15
Ion Grigorescu (Group show): Transmissions: Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America, 1960–1980, MOMA, New York. 05.09.15 > 03.01.16
Daniela Ortiz (Group Show): URBAGENACIÓ, Lacontra Artnocal, Centre de Creació i Difusió d'Art, Barcelona. 04.09.15>04.10.15
Harun Farocki (Conference): 56. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte - Harun Farocki: Cinema and Speculation. Padiglione Centrale Arena, Giardini, Venice. 04.09.15>05.09.15
Richard T. Walker at "El pensamiento oceánico". Group Show curated by David Armengol at EAC. Montevideo (Uruguay).
Harun Farocki (Group Show) : A REPUBLIC OF ART french regional collections of contemporary art. Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 27.06.15 > 04.10.15
Marcelo Expósito: Lecciones de historia/history lessons. CAAM, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 26.06.15 > 13.09.15
Daniela Ortiz: Group Show. Utopian Pulse – Flares in the Darkroom. Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany. 20.06.15 >16.08.15
Esther Ferrer, Daniela Ortiz, Jorge Ribalta Group Show: Desire and Necessities, MACBA, Barcelona. 18.06.15
Peter Downsbrough, cdla (Le centre des livres d'artistes), Saint-Yrieix-la-perche, France. 14.06.15>31.10.15
"Video Fields" / Opening. Eugeni Bonet & Gloria Moure in conversation discussing the work of Michael Snow> 26.05.15.àngels barcelona, 7 PM
Harun Farocki receives Special Mention from the Jury of the 56th International Exhibition of the Venice Biennale (2015).
Richard T. Walker: the fallibility of intent Location: Gatehouse Gallery (Di Rosa at Napa Valley, California) - February 7 to April 26 2015
Peter Downsbrough: a place. Mies van der Rohe Haus, Kunstsaele Berlin y Andreas Murkudis, 3 different locations in Berlin. (April-June)
Art Critics Association (ACCA) Award for the exhibition: 4 films from 1967-1997. An homage curated by Antje Ehmann
Efrén Álvarez, Jorge Ribalta, Group Show: The Beast and the Sovereign, MACBA, Barcelona. 19.03.2015 > 30.08.2015
Michael Snow. Group show: Anarchive Affinités / Diversités. Michel Didier gallery, Paris. 13.03.15>11.04.15
Harun Farocki: Endless images. Tribute to Harun Farocki. Xcèntric, CCCB's cinema, Barcelona. 19.2.15
Harun Farocki. Wie man sieht (As You See) – In memory of filmmaker Harun Farocki. Goethe-Institut Los Angeles. 18.2.15
Jorge Ribalta. Aún no. Sobre la reinvención del documental y la crítica de la modernidad. Curated by Jorge Ribalta.Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.11.02.15>13.07.15
Michael Snow: Group Show: Oh Canada!: Contemporary Art from North North America. Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary. 31.01.15>11.04.15
Screening of Harun Farocki's film: Images of the World and the Inscription of War, 1988. Tate Modern, London. 30.01.15
Mireia C. Saladrigues: Echos #4: Entre autres mouvements, Centre d'art Le LAIT, Albi.24.01.15 > 08.03.15
Harun Farocki. Comparison via a Third. "L'ÉCRAN : ENTRE ICI ET AILLEURS", CAPC Bordeaux. 22.01.15>15.03.15
Daniela Ortiz: Público Objetivo. Ciclo: Disparos en medio de un concierto. Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona. 20.01.14>22.02.15
Joan Fontcuberta: 'TREPAT. Vanguardias fotográficas: un caso de estudio'. Palacio de la Madraza, Granada >04.03.15
Joan Fontcuberta: Group Show: Esprit de famille- oeuvres de la collection. FRAC Languedoc- Roussillon, Montpellier. 16.01.15>07.03.15
Finissage exposición Harun Farocki en àngels barcelona: Mireia Sallarés presenta: 'Nicht löschbares Feuer' de Harun Farocki y 'What Farocki Taught' de Jill Godmilow
Emilio López-Menchero & Esther Ferrer, La Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels. 04.12.14>29.03.15
Richard T. Walker: the predicament of always (as we are) / Arizona State University / 27.9.14>3.1.15
Filmoteca de Catalunya. Double session: 'Nicht löschbares Feuer' & 'What Farocki Taught', with presentation by Jill Godmilow and Mireia Sallarès.
Peter Downsbrough - No es nuevo, es un libro / It is not new, it is a book 23.09.14 > 04.15 - Expo. colectiva / Group Show - Museo Reina Sofía Madrid
Harun Farocki and Antje Ehmann - Labor in a single shot 19.09.14 > 30.11.14 - Mills Gallery at the Boston Center for the Arts
Daniela Ortiz - Un saber realmente útil / Really useful knowledge 29.10.14 > 09.02.15 - Expo. colectiva / Group Show - Museo Reina Sofía Madrid
Mabel Palacín - Le Choix du spectateur. ESBAMA / FRAC Languedoc Roussillon. Montpellier, 04.11.14>19.12.14
Joan Fontcuberta, Jorge Ribalta: Group Show: Relato de las Bellas Cosas Falsas. Centre Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona. 15.10.2014>25.01.2015
Daniela Ortiz: Inventing the Possible Ephemeral Video Library, Jeu de Paume, Paris. 14.10.14>08.02.15
Joan Fontcuberta: Metabolismos de la imagen, Centro de la Imagen. Galería El Ojo Ajeno, Lima, Perú . 23.09.2014>18.10.2014
Mireia C. Saladrigues: ABANS QUE ELS GESTOS ESDEVINGUIN PARAULES (avant que les gestes ne deviennent paroles)BF15, Lyon (solo show) - 12.09.14 > 08.11.14
Efrén Álvarez: Paréidolie. International Contemporary Drawing Fair, Marseille. 29.08.2014 -31.08.2014
Joan Fontcuberta: Stranger than fiction. Media Space Gallery at Science Museum, London. 23.07.14> 09.11.14
Peter Downsbrough: What Models Can Do. A Short History of the Architectural Model in Contemporary Art. Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen. 29.06.2014 >12.10.2014
Peter Downsbrough: Sites of Reason: A Selection of Recent Acquisitions. MOMA, New York.11.06.2014 > 28.09.2014
Marcelo Expósito, Daniela Ortiz + Xose Quiroga: Colonia Apocrifa, MUSAC, León. 21.06.2104 > 06.01.2015.
Mabel Palacín, Marcelo Expósito, Jaime Pitarch: Languages and Aesthetics of Spanish Video Art: Ten Years of Critical Practices. 12.05.14>19.06.14
Esther Ferrer, Michael Snow: Contratemps, Comisart- New Views of la Caixa Collection, CaixaForum, Barcelona, 21.05.2014>24.08.2014
Joan Fontcuberta: Metabolismos de la imagen, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago. 20.05.2014>31.07.2014
Marcelo Expósito, Jorge Ribalta: Playgrounds. Reinventar la plaza, MNCARS, Madrid. 30.04.2014>22.09.2014
Efrén Alvarez, Daniela Ortiz + Xose Quiroga en *sekw- proyecto de Alex Brahim para la Galería 6MAS1, Madrid
Harun Farocki: Serious Games, en el Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin. 06.02.2014>13.07.2014
Harun Farocki | Joan Fontcuberta en Datascape: Nuevos paisajes en la era tecnológica; LABoral Centro de Arte, Gijón 14.03.14 > 21.09.14
Ion Grigorescu: Decades of Revolt, en Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm, Sweden. 07.03.14 > 18.05.14
Mireia C. Saladrigues: Ni es crea ni es destrueix. Exposició EN RESiDÈNCiA. La Capella, Barcelona 04.04.14 > 18.05.14
Daniela Ortiz & Xose Quiroga en Efectos Colaterales : Más allá de Milano Radicale. Sala d’Art Jove en colaboración con Homesession. Hasta 16.04.14
Joan Fontcuberta i Josep Ramoneda: 'De la societat mirada a la societat vigilada', restaurant Carmelitas, Barcelona.
Michael Snow: La région centrale, 1971 / Projecció: dissabte 15 de febrer 2014 a les 11 h. Auditori Fundació Joan Miró.
Harun Farocki: Visión. Producción. Opresión. Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, México D.F. 15.02.14 > 01.06.14
Esther Ferrer: Face B. Image/Autoportrait, MAC VAL (Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne).15.02.14 > 13.07.14
ARCO madrid 2014 / Stand 9D06: Pep Agut, Harun Farocki, Joan Fontcuberta, Esther Ferrer, Daniela Ortiz, Jaime Pitarch
Richard T. Walker: Outside of all things. 31.01.2014 > 16.03.2014 en FABRA I COATS, Centre d'art Contemporani (Barcelona)
Harun Farocki, (Solo Project): La cruz y la Plata (2007) y Comparison Via Third (2010), àngels barcelona, Barcelona > Zona Maco Sur, Stand: ZMS 16
Joan Fontcuberta: Camouflages. Maison Europeene de la Photographie. 15.01.14 > 16.03.14 (Solo show curated by Joan Fontcuberta, Jean-Luc Monterosso, Pascal Hoël)
Peter Downsbrough: Musée Régional d'art contemporain Languedoc Roussillon, Sérignan, Mar 1 - Jun 11, 2014
Peter Downsbrough: 1+1+1=1080, Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale, Molenbeek, Brussels, Feb 7-Mar 15, 2014
Harun Farocki, Joan Fontcuberta, Pedro G. Romero, Pep Agut, 93, CGAC (Centro Galego de Arte Contemporáneo) 22 nov.- 23 mar. 2014
Joan Fontcuberta: (solo show) The Photography of Nature / The Nature of Photography. Hasselblad Center, Goteborg (Sweden). 26.10.13 > 19.01.14
Pep Agut, Pedro G. Romero, Marcelo Expósito, Harun Farocki: Mínima resistencia. Entre el tardomodernismo y la globalización: prácticas artísticas durante las décadas de los 80 y 90 en el Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid. 16.10.2013 > 05.01.2014