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BAR project

Alex Martinis Roe. “For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree”. As part of “In a convivial mode”- Presented by BAR project

25.11.15 > 27.11.15


[CAST] For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree (2015), es el nuevo filme producido por la artista durante su residencia de tres meses en Barcelona, convirtiéndose a la vez en la quinta película de la serie, To Become Two, iniciada en 2014 y aún en proceso de realización, como proyecto que engloba un total de seis filmes, seis instalaciones, varios talleres y eventos públicos, así como una publicación sobre la genealogía de la política feminista.

Investigación, guión y dirección: Alex Martinis Roe

Narración:Ana Aulestia, Alejandra Avilés Duarte, Meritxell Berneda, Enea Cabanas González, Marta Coll Torrent, Alex Murray Leslie, Helena Pérez Guerra, Paula Font Creixell, Veronica Valentini, Julia Gorostidi

Imágenes: Courtesy of Centre de Documentació de Ca La Dona - Catalunya

Producción: Helena Pérez Guerra

Cámara: Carmen Torres

Sonido: Christina Pitouli

Assistencia a la dirección: Maja Ćirić, Veronica Valentini and Julia Gorostidi

Edición: Ariadna Ribas

Poema: Mari Chordà

Diseño gráfico: Nell May

Por la historias, entrevistas y materiales, muchas gracias a: Carmen Alcalde, Assumpta Bassas, Mireia Bofill, Montserrat Cabré Pairet, Amanda Cuesta, Carmen Delgado, Angels Grases, Ana Lozano Valverde, Maria Milagros Rivera-Garretas, Mercè Otero Vidal, Gloria Sànchez, Marta Vergonyós Cabratosa, Ana Vargas Martínez.

Co-producido por BAR Project, Barcelona - muchas gracias a los curadores Juan Canela, Andrea Rodriguez Novoa y Veronica Valentini. Esta película es parte del proyecto To Become Two, producido con el apoyo del Australia Council for the Arts y el Graduiertenschule der Universität der Künste Berlin.


[ENG] For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree is the new film that the artist has made during the three-month residency in Barcelona which is part of the To Become Two series, a project in process that includes a cycle of film installations, a workshop series, a series of public events, and a book on a specific genealogy of feminist politics. 

Research, script and direction: Alex Martinis Roe

Narration:Ana Aulestia, Alejandra Avilés Duarte, Meritxell Berneda, Enea Cabanas González, Marta Coll Torrent, Alex Murray Leslie, Helena Pérez Guerra, Paula Font Creixell, Veronica Valentini, Julia Gorostidi

Images: Courtesy of Centre de Documentació de Ca La Dona - Catalunya

Production: Helena Pérez Guerra

Camera: Carmen Torres

Sound: Christina Pitouli

Assistant direction: Maja Ćirić, Veronica Valentini and Julia Gorostidi

Editing: Ariadna Ribas

Poem: Mari Chordà

Graphic design: Nell May

For stories, interviews and materials, many thanks to: Carmen Alcalde, Assumpta Bassas, Mireia Bofill, Montserrat Cabré Pairet, Amanda Cuesta, Carmen Delgado, Angels Grases, Ana Lozano Valverde, Maria Milagros Rivera-Garretas, Mercè Otero Vidal, Gloria Sànchez, Marta Vergonyós Cabratosa, Ana Vargas Martínez.

Co-produced by BAR Project, Barcelona - many thanks to curators Juan Canela, Andrea Rodriguez Novoa and Veronica Valentini. This film is part of the project To Become Two, produced with the support of the Australia Council for the Arts, and the Graduiertenschule der Universität der Künste Berlin.

Alex Martinis Roe,“For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree”. Framed silk screen print, 2015.

Exhibition view. Alex Martinis Roe,“For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree” (2015)

Exhibition view. Alex Martinis Roe,“For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree” (2015).

Exhibition view. Alex Martinis Roe,“For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree” (2015).

Video still. Alex Martinis Roe,“For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree” (2015).