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Richard T. Walker

in accordance with things

15.09.15 > 06.11.15


[ENG] It's a matter of scale. Each stone is a potential mountain, as suggested by Roger Caillois. In accordance with things, solo show by Richard T. Walker in àngels barcelona, implies a new activation of the landscape through the simple and magnificent  importance of the stone. This is a correlation between videos, photographs, sculptures and sound pieces where the perception of wilderness - or at least, of that which is not domesticated - depends on the multiple functions and symbols that the English artist gives to the stone. Sometimes a mere object, sometimes a performative medium, sometimes a whole landscape.

[CAST] Es cuestión de escala. Toda piedra es montaña en potencia, sugiere Roger Caillois. In accordance with things, exposición individual de Richard T. Walker para àngels barcelona, supone una nueva activación del paisaje mediante el protagonismo simple y magnífico de la piedra. Un ejercicio de concordancia entre videos, fotografías, esculturas y piezas sonoras donde la percepción del territorio salvaje – o al menos no domesticado – depende de las múltiples funciones y simbologías que el artista inglés otorga a la piedra. A veces un mero objeto, a veces un medio performativo, a veces un paisaje en su totalidad.

[CAT] És una qüestió d'escala. Tota pedra és una muntanya en potencia com suggereix Roger Caillois. In accordance with things, exposició individual de Richard T. Walker per àngels barcelona, suposa una nova activació del paisatge mitjançant el protagonisme simple i magnífic de la pedra. Un exercici de concordança entre vídeos, fotografies, escultures i peces sonores on la percepció del territori salvatge - o almenys no domesticat - depèn de les múltiples funcions i simbologies que l'artista anglès atorga a la pedra. A vegades un simple objecte, a vegades un mitjà performatiu, a vegades un paisatge en la seva totalitat.

Curated by David Armengol


Exhibition view. Richard T Walker, "in accordance with things". àngels barcelona, 2015.

Richard T Walker, "a paradox in distance (repeated)" (2015), 12 color photograhps, Fuji Crystal Archive print 37 x 46 cm (each one)

Detail. Richard T Walker, "a paradox in distance (repeated)" (2015), 12 color photograhps, Fuji Crystal Archive print 37 x 46 cm (each one)

Exhibition view. Richard T Walker, "in accordance with things". àngels barcelona, 2015.

Exhibition view. Richard T Walker, "in accordance with things". àngels barcelona, 2015.

Richard T Walker, "the vulnerability of the actual in the presence of itself" (2015). Mounted archival inkjet print, easel, rocks, Casiotone MT 68 keyboards.

Detail. Richard T Walker, "the vulnerability of the actual in the presence of itself" (2015)

Detail. Richard T Walker, "the vulnerability of the actual in the presence of itself" (2015)

Richard T Walker, "in accordance with things" (2015). Cassette recorder, 27 x 5 x 14 cm

Richard T Walker,"the fallibility of intent #5" (2015) Cut-out archival print, 47,5 x 47, 5 x 6 cm

Exhibition view. Richard T Walker,"the fallibility of intent #5" (2015) Cut-out archival print, 47,5 x 47, 5 x 6 cm

Richard T Walker, "more than this" (2015). Neon, microphone stand,164 x 147 cm.

Richard T Walker, "the predicament of always (as we are)" (2014) 2-channel HD digital video installation, color, sound, 12 min 2 sec

Detail. Richard T Walker, "the predicament of always (as we are)" (2014). 2-channel HD digital video installation, color, sound, 12 min 2 sec

Detail. Richard T Walker, "the predicament of always (as we are)" (2014). 2-channel HD digital video installation, color, sound, 12 min 2 sec

Richard T Walker, "the predicament of always (as it is / as we are)" (2015). Vinyl.(Front cover)

Richard T Walker, "the predicament of always (as it is / as we are)" (2015). Vinyl.(Back cover)

Richard T Walker, the predicament of always (as we are) (video still), 2014. 2-channel HD video installation, sound, 12:02 minutes.