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Irene Solà

There is a story about a woman who / Hi ha una història d'una dona que / Hay una historia de una mujer que

09.07.20 > 10.09.20



“There is a story about a woman who goes into labor when the attending physician is tired. There is a story about a woman who herself was born too early. There is a story about a woman whose body clung to her child so hard they cut her to retrieve him. There is a story about a woman who heard a story about a woman who birthed wolf cubs in secret. When you think about it, stories have this way of running together like raindrops in a pond. Each is borne from the clouds separate, but once they have come together, there is no way to tell them apart”. 

 Her body and other parties, Carmen Maria Machado

(CAST) Hi ha una història d’una dona que/ Hay una historia de una mujer que/ There is a story about a woman who es un proyecto que relaciona varias narrativas e iconos, que tienen en común la imagen de una mujer montada encima de un hombre, al que a menudo ha puesto una brida en la boca (o incluso, ha convertido en caballo o asno). Estas historias e imágenes aparecen en lugares y contextos muy diferentes; como acusaciones, en juicios por brujería de la época moderna, en leyendas europeas de la Edad Media, en el contexto de la comunidad negra del sur norteamericano, o la historia de Filis y Aristóteles, un cuento cautelar de origen asiático, que se extiende, rápidamente en partes de occidente, produciendo una inacabable iconografía, predicando en contra de la mujer y sus argucias seductivas. La exposición quiere reapropiarse de este icono de odio, jugar con la ironía que desde una perspectiva contemporánea y crítica la imagen desencadena, y reflexionar acerca de cómo se reproducen, viajan, se esparcen y sobreviven las historias, de qué imaginarios construyen y de qué ideas, intenciones y temores transmiten.

(CAT) Hi ha una història d’una dona que/ Hay una historia de una mujer que/ There is a story about a woman who és un projecte que relaciona diverses narratives i icones, que tenen en comú la imatge d'una dona encavalcada damunt d'un home, al que sovint ha posat una brida a la boca (o fins i tot, ha convertit en cavall o ase). Aquestes històries i imatges apareixen en llocs i contextos molt diferents; com a acusacions, en judicis per bruixeria de l'època moderna, en llegendes europees d'Època Medieval, en el context de la comunitat negra del sud nord-americà, o a la història de Fil·lis i Aristòtil, un conte cautelar d'origen asiàtic, que s’escampa, com un bolet arreu d’occident, produint una inacabable iconografia, i que predica contra la dona i les seves argúcies seductives. L'exposició vol reapropiar-se d'aquesta icona d’odi, jugar amb la ironia que des d'una perspectiva contemporània i crítica la imatge desencadena, i reflexionar al voltant de com es reprodueixen, viatgen, s'escampen i sobreviuen les històries, de quins imaginaris construeixen i de quines idees, intencions i temors passegen.

(ENG) Hi ha una història d’una dona que/ Hay una historia de una mujer que/ There is a story about a woman who is a project that connects several narratives and icons, which have in common the image of a woman riding a man, whom she has often bridled (or even turned into a horse or donkey). These stories and images appear in very different places and contexts; as accusations, in modern-day witchcraft trials, in European legends of the Middle Ages, in the context of the black community of the American South, or the story of Phyllis and Aristotle, a cautionary tale of Asian origin, which rapidly spreads in many regions in the West, producing an endless iconography, exhorting against women and their seductive ploys. The exhibition aims to reappropriate this icon of hate, to play with the irony that the image triggers from a contemporary and critical perspective, and to reflect on how stories reproduce, travel, spread and survive, on the multiple imaginaries they construct and on the kind of ideas, intentions and fears they pass on.


Phyllis and Aristotle, 2020. (Ref. Image: Hans Baldung, Aristotle and Phyllis, 1515. Kunstmuseum Basel.) Mural. Black ink on wall 280 x 230 cm. (variable dimensions) Ed 1 + 1 PA

General exhibition view. [Left] Phyllis and Aristotle, 2020. (Ref. Image: Hans Baldung, Aristotle and Phyllis, 1515. Kunstmuseum Basel.) Mural. Black ink on wall 280 x 230 cm. (variable dimensions) Ed 1 + 1 PA

General exhibition view. [Right] You can always tell, 2020. (Ref. Image: Master of the Judgment of Paris, Aristotle and Phyllis, 1440. Museo Stibbert, Florencia) Diptych High quality digital color printing on expanded PVC Framed 41 x 45 cm. + 41 x 61 cm. Total dimensions: 41 x 110 cm. Ed. 3 + 1 AP

You can always tell, 2020 (Ref. Image: Master of the Judgment of Paris, Aristotle and Phyllis, 1440. Museo Stibbert, Florencia) Diptych High quality digital color printing on expanded PVC Framed 41 x 45 cm. + 41 x 61 cm. Total dimensions: 41 x 110 cm. Ed. 3 + 1 AP

You can always tell, 2020. (Ref. Image: Master of the Judgment of Paris, Aristotle and Phyllis, 1440. Museo Stibbert, Florencia) Diptych High quality digital color printing on expanded PVC Framed 41 x 45 cm. + 41 x 61 cm. Total dimensions: 41 x 110 cm. Ed. 3 + 1 AP

Llegir dret com un cavall [To read standing up lie a horse], 2020. Installation. Digital B/W print on A4 paper 30 x 119 cm. Ed. 5

Witches come in at night an ride Yuh too, 2020. Installation (10 texts + 80 images) Digital color printing on paper Variable dimensions Unique

Witches come in at night an ride Yuh too, 2020., 2020. Installation (10 texts + 80 images) Digital color printing on paper Variable dimensions Unique

Detail. Witches come in at night an ride Yuh too, 2020. Installation (10 texts + 80 images) Digital color printing on paper Variable dimensions Unique

Detail. Witches come in at night an ride Yuh too, 2020. Installation (10 texts + 80 images) Digital color printing on paper Variable dimensions Unique

Una dona que, 2020 Video, color sound 16 min 50 sec Ed. 3 +1 PA