Daniel G. Andújar

(Almoradí, Alicante, 1966)

Objetos de deseo, 2010

[CAST] Durante la puesta en marcha de nuestro imper fecto sistema democrático, aparec ió  en laescena política y económica de nuestro país un nuevo modelo social formado por gentes de procedencias diversas que se disponían a entrar en acción con un objetivo fundamental: ganar dinero a toda costa; crecer económicamente al mismo ritmo vertiginosoque su pueblo; y hacerlo operando desde la legalidad, transformándola, o simplemente obviándola. Esta oligarquía cleptómana se ha asentando perfectamente en nuestro contextosocial hasta formar parte de nuestra idiosincrasia.

[ENG] During the implementation of our imperfect democratic system, a new social model appeared on our country’s political and economic scene. It was made up of people of different origins and backgrounds who were ready to spring into action with two funda- mental objectives: to earn money whatever the cost; to grow economically at the same lightning speed as their country, always acting in accordance with the law, by changing it or simply bypassing it. This kleptomaniac oligarchy has carved a niche for itself in our social context until it has become part of our idiosyncrasy.

Installation view