Pep Agut

(Terrassa, 1961)

Naixement de la forma, 2014

HD video, color, sound. Ed. 3
3’ 12”



“Naixement de la forma” (The Birth of form) is a video that deals with the appearance of the object created and the consequent disappearance of the artist. Agut puts himself in relation to the only object that he has, his desk, and he ties his leg to the table with packing tape. Using a mirror effect, the rotational movement of the artist attached to his table generates the appearance of infinite possible forms. Agut chooses not so much a new object but the only one which will allow his own disappearance: the same table where he works. For Agut, the place of the artist is thus based on his own non-presence, in the creation of something that will always remain open to the gaze and the thought of the other.


Video still."Naixement de la forma", 2014. HD video, color, sound. 3' 12"

Video still."Naixement de la forma", 2014. HD video, color, sound. 3' 12"